Artistic Projects
Deadline: Thursday, October 10, 2024, 11:59 PM ET
Notification: December 2024
Grant Period: January 1, 2025-December 31, 2025
Sign up for the Application Workshop on
Wednesday, August 21, 12 PM ET

About the Program
Chamber Music America’s Artistic Projects program offers grant opportunities for small ensembles and presenters, with operating budgets under $250,000, to bring their creative ideas to completion and present them to audiences in the five boroughs of New York City. All projects should have a community impact focus— creating more community access to chamber music and fostering a sense of respect and appreciation for chamber music.
CMA will fund projects during the grant period that may include:
- New compositions
- Performances
- Recordings
- Residencies
Applicants and their primary collaborators (if applicable: presenters, ensembles, composers) may be part of only one Artistic Projects application per grant period. Grants range from $7,500 to $20,000 per grant. The program will fund 100% of eligible expenses up to $20,000. No matching funds are required.
Artistic Projects is made possible with generous support from the Howard Gilman Foundation.
Apply to Artistic Projects
For more information, read the guidelines below, use the help links, or contact:
Adriana Vergara, Grant Programs Associate,
CHAMBER MUSIC AMERICA, the national network of ensemble music professionals, was founded in 1977 to develop, strengthen, and support the chamber music community. With a membership including musicians, ensembles, presenters, artists’ managers, educators, music businesses, and advocates of ensemble music, CMA welcomes members representing a wide range of musical styles and traditions. In addition to its funding programs, CMA provides its members with consulting services, access to instrument insurances, conferences, seminars, and publications including Chamber Music magazine and weekly e-newsletter, Accent.
Howard Gilman believed in the power of the arts to transform lives. THE HOWARD GILMAN FOUNDATION honors his legacy by supporting the most robust, innovative, and promising performing arts organizations in New York City. More information on the Foundation’s cultural investments may be found on its website
Funds will support a project that falls within one of the categories — performances, recordings, new compositions (commissions), and residencies.
All projects must include a community impact component- a performance, workshop, lecture, or other engagement where the ensemble presents the work of the project to an audience.
Please refer to the table below to see each project category the required community impact component.
Category | Description | Minimum Length of Project | Audience Component | Example of a project |
Commission | Creation of a new work | Commissioned work must be least 10 minutes in length | A public premiere of new work | XYZ Ensemble works with composer to create a new work and a public premiere |
Performance | Performance (not tied to a specific community partner and their audiences) | A performance must total at least 30 minutes. | 1 or more public performances at a venue or a set of venues | XYZ Ensemble is playing a public performance at ABC Hall for 1 night |
Recording | Creation of a new recording | Recorded work must be least 10 minutes in length | Release Concert/Event for the public | XYZ Ensemble creates a recording of new work and does a public release concert of their recorded album |
Residency | Working with a specific community partner to create work serving a specific audience served by that community partner. | The community centered activity must be at least 45 minutes in length | Can include lectures/demonstrations, workshops that involve the audience participants, pop-up concerts and/or other activities designed for the audiences served by the Community Partner | XYZ Ensemble partners with the ABC School to create two concerts for the school community (parents, students, teachers) and may include general audiences |
- Public Performances: A public performance is music played outside a normal circle of friends and family that occurs in any public place that is accessible to a gathering of general audiences. A public performance also occurs when music is transmitted digital service providers like a live-streamed concert
- General Audiences: General audiences are the group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to the event in an accessible public setting. Conferences do not count as public events or residencies for the purposes of the grant.
Chamber Music America gives priority to projects that fall within one of the four project categories and include a community impact focus that:
- Creates more access to chamber music
- Fosters a sense of respect and appreciation for chamber music.
Examples of community impact can include:
- Advance or highlight cultural richness and creativity of a community
- Create or foster collaboration between an organization/presenter(s), ensemble, or other groups with an audience/community
- Engaging with audiences and communities to explore historic or contemporary/modern issues
- Ensuring access to the project’s content beyond the length of the project [For example: the audience has access to recordings, songs, video of projects, etc. This can be free or paid access.]
For more ideas on what community impact could look like applicants can choose to explore the Arts Impact Explorer | Americans for the Arts.
Applicants that have received CMA funding in two of the past three grant years (since 2022) are not eligible for 2025 Artistic Projects funding. Current grantees should also look at the “Eligibility: For current grantees.”
Eligible requests:
- Need a minimum of one member of the Ensemble must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident based in one of the five boroughs of New York City. This member will act as the primary contact for the grant if they are the only New York City based member. (If awarded, Ensemble grantees must provide proof of New York City domicile.)
- Must be with U.S.-based composers, if applying for composer funding. (If awarded, composers working with Ensemble grantees must provide proof of U.S residency status or permanent green card status)
- Must be with a residency partner based in one of the five boroughs of New York City if applying for a residency
- Must consist of 2-10 professional musicians including guest musician(s)
- student groups are not eligible- this includes resident student ensembles
- soloists with accompanists are not eligible
- May perform any style of small ensemble music encompassing contemporary and traditional jazz, classical, and other chamber music genres
- Must have an annual operating budget under $250,000
- Must not have any outstanding financial obligations to CMA
- Cannot be a current grantee of the Howard Gilman Foundation
Ineligible requests include:
- Projects that require a fiscal sponsor
- Projects requesting funding:
- For capacity building, or general operating support, although administrative expenses specific to the project may be included within the project budget
- For private or fundraising events or for arts education,
- For fees to student musicians, faculty, or administrative staff salaries
- For funds for classes or workshops for music students
- For music for dramatic works (staged or un-staged)
- For opera or choral works
- For incidental music for other media
- For fees for non-ensemble member participants in the proposed work (such as a narrator) or for student musicians
- For current Howard Gilman Foundation grantees
- For more than one application for the same ensemble or presenter
- From individuals/ensembles/organizations with outstanding obligations to Chamber Music America
- Projects requesting commissioning funding for:
- Previously written works or arrangements of previously written works or works-in-progress
- Portions of works (such as individual movements or variations)
- Compositions that are soloistic in nature (such as concertos or works for soloist and accompaniment)
- Composers who are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
- Composers who are currently working on an active CMA grant
- Consortium commissions
If the work is to be written as part of a collaborative project involving other artistic disciplines, it must also be a stand-alone work for a concert performance.
Applicants that have received CMA funding in two of the past three grant years (since 2022) are not eligible for 2025 Artistic Projects funding. Current grantees should also look at the “Eligibility: For current grantees.”
Eligible requests:
- Must be from a presenter that is a 501(c)(3) organization or otherwise eligible for charitable contributions for federal income, estate, and gift-tax purposes
- Present one ensemble
- May perform any style of small ensemble music encompassing contemporary and traditional jazz, classical, and other chamber music genres;
- Must be from presenters with an annual operating budget under $250,000;
- Must apply with an ensemble whose annual budget is also under $250,000 and is based in one of the five boroughs of New York City
- ensemble must consist of 2-10 musicians including guest musician(s)
- ensemble may only appear on one presenter’s application
- composer may appear only on one presenter’s application as a composer
- Must be with U.S.-based composers, if applying for composer funding. (If awarded, composers working with Ensemble grantees must provide proof of U.S residency status or permanent green card status)
- Must be with a residency partner based in one of the five boroughs of New York City if applying for residency
- Must not have any outstanding financial obligations to CMA
- Cannot be a current grantee of the Howard Gilman Foundation.
Ineligible requests include:
- Projects that require a fiscal sponsor
- Projects requesting funding:
- For capacity building, or general operating support, although administrative expenses specific to the project may be included within the project budget
- For private or fundraising events or for arts education,
- For fees to student musicians, faculty, or administrative staff salaries
- For funds for classes or workshops for music students
- For music for dramatic works (staged or un-staged)
- For opera or choral works
- For incidental music for other media
- For fees for non-ensemble member participants in the proposed work (such as a narrator) or for student musicians
- For current Howard Gilman Foundation grantees
- For more than one application for the same ensemble or presenter
- From individuals/ensembles/organizations with outstanding obligations to Chamber Music America
- Projects requesting commissioning funding for:
- Previously written works or arrangements of previously written works or works-in-progress
- Portions of works (such as individual movements or variations)
- Compositions that are soloistic in nature (such as concertos or works for soloist and accompaniment)
- Composers who are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
- Composers who are currently working on an active CMA grant
- Consortium commissions
If the work is to be written as part of a collaborative project involving other artistic disciplines, it must also be a stand-alone work for a concert performance.
Applicants that have received CMA funding in two of the past three grant years (since 2022) are not eligible for 2025 Artistic Projects funding.
- If you have an active Artistic Projects grant project in progress, you cannot apply for an Artistic Projects grant in this grant cycle.
- Current New Jazz Works grantees are not eligible to apply for 2025 Artistic Projects Commissioning or Recording grants
- If awarded a 2025 Artistic Projects Commissioning or Recording grant, the grantee would be ineligible to receive a 2025 New Jazz Works grant.
- Current Classical Commissioning grantees are not eligible to apply for 2025 Artistic Projects Commissioning grants
- If awarded a 2025 Artistic Projects Commissioning grant, the grantee would be ineligible to receive a 2025 Classical Commissioning grant.
- Current Performance Plus grantees are not eligible to apply for a 2025 Artistic Projects Recording Grant
- If awarded a 2025 Artistic Projects Recording grant, the grantee would be ineligible to receive a 2025 Performance Plus grant.
All of the following expenses are allowed as long as they are directly related to the project.
- Ensemble and guest artist(s) fees
- Composer fees
- Ground transportation/cartage fees for the ensemble/guest artist(s)/instruments
- Concert or streaming production expenses
- Expenses for video recording, audio recording, sound engineer fees, or photography used for the project
- Equipment rental for use in rehearsal and/or public performance/presentation
- Direct promotion, marketing, and advertising expenses
- Copying costs for compositions
- Printed programs, brochures or other printed materials associated with a project
The grants range from $7,500 to $20,000 per grant. The Artistic Projects grant will fund 100% of eligible expenses up to $20,000. No matching funds are required, but if a project costs more than $20,000 the applicant must describe how they will pay for the additional costs.
All Artistic Projects grant projects must take place during the grant period between January 1, 2025 and December 31, 2025.
Please Note: Grant funds are taxable income; grantees must comply with all applicable city, state, and federal laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations regarding the reporting of grant funds.
Applicants will be asked for proposed dates and a proposed venue(s) in the application. While venues do not need to be booked at the time of the application; ensembles or presenters who are funded will need to confirm dates and venue bookings as part of their interim grant reporting.
Virtual performances are possible if it is not possible to perform in-person for documented health and safety reasons. Virtual performances are also allowed in addition to an existing in-person performance to reach broader audiences.
Audio Uploads
- Two ensemble audio samples are required and must be uploaded to the online application.
- Samples should be up to 5 minutes each and feature works for small ensemble (2-10 musicians).
- Samples should demonstrate the ensemble’s performance level and must feature either the full ensemble or at least 50% of its musicians. * Include contrasting works, if possible.
- Soloistic works are not recommended.
- *A duo must submit works with both partners. *
- Only mp3 and/or m4a file types are accepted.
- Samples do not need to be of studio quality but should be clear and representative of the ensemble’s performance within the last two years.
Budget Upload
Marketing Materials
An Ensemble must provide a sample of past marketing material. This could be a social media ad, photo of a poster or flyer, etc.
Memorandums of Understanding
An Ensemble is required to provide a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the ensemble and each guest artist (if applicable).
A sample MOU can be downloaded here:
The Ensemble is required to provide a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the ensemble and the composer (if applicable).
A sample MOU can be downloaded here:
The Ensemble is required to provide a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the composer and CMA (if applicable).
A sample MOU can be downloaded here:
The Ensemble is required to provide a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the ensemble and the community partner (for residencies).
A sample MOU can be downloaded here:
Audio Uploads
- Two ensemble audio samples are required and must be uploaded to the online application.
- Samples can be up to 5 minutes each and feature works for small ensemble (2-10 musicians).
- Samples should demonstrate the ensemble’s performance level and must feature either the full ensemble or at least 50% of its musicians. * Include contrasting works, if possible.
- Soloistic works are not recommended.
- *A duo must submit works with both partners. *
- Only mp3 and/or m4a file types are accepted.
- Samples do not need to be of studio quality but should be clear and representative of the ensemble’s performance within the last two years.
Tax-Exempt Letter/501(c)3 Letter of Determination
Budget Upload
Marketing Materials
An Ensemble must provide a sample of past marketing material. This could be a social media ad, photo of a poster or flyer, etc.
Memorandums of Understanding
The Ensemble is required to provide a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Presenter and the Ensemble.
A sample MOU can be downloaded here:
The Presenter is required to provide a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the ensemble and the composer (if applicable).
A sample MOU can be downloaded here:
The Presenter is required to provide a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the composer and CMA (if applicable).
A sample MOU can be downloaded here:
The Presenter is required to provide a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Presenter and the community partner (for residencies).
A sample MOU can be downloaded here:
Applications are due to Chamber Music America by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on October 10, 2024. Award notifications are made in late December.
CMA uses the online application platform Submittable. Go to to create a free Submittable account if you do not already have one.
- CMA recommends that you save your draft in an offline document as backup.
- To save the work you have done on your application, you must click SAVE DRAFT at the bottom of the form before exiting.
- You can return to your saved application to continue working on it by following the log-in instructions.
- The application will close promptly at 11:59 PM ET on Thursday, October 10, 2024. Late or incomplete submissions will not be accepted. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications at least 24 hours in advance of the deadline to avoid any last-minute complications.
To submit an application:
- Go to and click on “Artistic Projects.”
- Complete all required fields, including text boxes, the Funding Request, and Audio Sample information.
- Prepare your audio samples, marketing sample, and MOU attachment.
- Save audio files as: Ensemble Name-Audio 1 and Ensemble Name-Audio 2; acceptable file types: mp3, m4a.
- Upload the audio files, marketing sample, and MOU to the application.
- When complete, sign and date your application.
- Click “Submit” to send application to CMA; you will receive a confirmation email.
Artistic Projects applications are reviewed by an independent panel of chamber music professionals; CMA staff and board do not select or adjudicate award recipients (Representative list of previous CMA panelists).
Written Application
The panel will review:
- the description of the project for which you are applying;
- the reason(s) why the project is important at this particular time;
- how you expect the project to contribute to your growth as an ensemble or organization;
- the extent to which the project will increase your ability to reach target audiences for your work;
- evidence of the capacity to carry out the project including potential dates (project timeline), appropriate budget (budget), and any community and/or presenting partners.
Audio Review
- match between the activities planned and the ensemble’s music-making as demonstrated in the audio sample.
If awarded, the member of the ensemble serving as the primary contact for the grant is responsible for:
- acting as the contact for CMA on behalf of the ensemble
- providing government issued documentation as proof of their U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status for ensemble primary contacts and/or composers
- providing proof of their New York City domicile
- providing a composer contract for composer projects
- providing a copy of the score as part of any composer project
- receiving and managing the grant funds
- filing the final report, reporting phone calls, and associated documents.
Grant funds will be disbursed as follows:
- 100% of the award to be disbursed after signing the CMA grant contract and providing all required grantee materials
Grantees will need to complete all reporting to remain in good standing with CMA
Grant funds are taxable income; grantees must comply with all applicable city, state, and federal laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations regarding the reporting of grant funds.
For Presenters
If awarded, the presenter contact serving as the primary contact for the grant is responsible for:
- acting as the contact for CMA on behalf of the presenting organization
- providing proof of their ensemble’s New York City domicile status
- providing government issued documentation as proof of their U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status for ensemble primary contacts and/or composers
- providing a composer contract for composer projects
- providing a copy of the score as part of any composer project
- receiving and managing the grant funds
- filing the final report, reporting phone calls, and associated documents.
Grant funds will be disbursed as follows:
- 100% of the award to be disbursed after signing the CMA grant contract and providing all required grantee materials
Grantees will need to complete all reporting to remain in good standing with CMA.
Grant funds are taxable income; grantees must comply with all applicable city, state, and federal laws, ordinances, codes, and regulations regarding the reporting of grant funds.
CMA collects data on race and ethnicity in connection to grant programs and applications; membership; and surveys with partner organizations, like funding partners. As such, CMA has developed a set of standards for keeping, collecting, and presenting data on race and ethnicity that aim to provide consistency in collecting and using this type of data.
These standards have been developed in accordance with data collection standards by other groups such as CMA’s funders, federal agencies, and agencies that track race and ethnicity data.