Setting the Record Straight on Streaming

In the past decade, streaming has erupted as a preferred method of music listening for hundreds of millions of people. Under this model, music has never been cheaper or easier to access, but many argue independent musicians have been left out of the equation.
This episode discusses the work of two organizations that aim to coalesce musicians towards collective action, engage in legislative pushes, and seek a more equitable music industry. CMA conducted interviews with United Musicians and Allied Workers’ Zack Nestel-Patt and Music Workers Alliance’s Aaron Edgcomb about streaming, current initiatives and more. Also featured is Thistle Jemison, who shares thoughts about the state of the industry, streaming, and what it has meant for her career as a musician.
Music Workers Alliance:
United Musicians and Allied Workers:
Thistle Jemison:
This episode of CMA Talks is supported by the Wallace Foundation:
Produced for Chamber Music America by Orchid McRae
Hosted by Larry Blumenfeld
Guests: Aaron Edgcomb, Zack Nestel-Patt, Thistle Jemison
Music by Orchid McRae
Cover Art by Ben Schonhorn
Also available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.