This program is not currently accepting applications.

2024 program information is available on this page.

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Chamber Music America’s Classical Commissioning Program provides grants to professional U.S.-based presenters and ensembles whose programming includes Western European and/or non-Western classical and contemporary music. Grants are provided for the commissioning and performance of new works by American composers. The program supports works scored for 2–10 musicians performing one per part, composed in any of the musical styles associated with contemporary classical music.

Chamber Music America encourages commissions by emerging and mid-career composers.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The Board of Directors of Chamber Music America has made diversity, equity, and inclusion a primary focus of the organization’s work. CMA encourages applications for projects that engage a broad spectrum of diversity. (Read CMA’s Commitment to Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity.)

Additionally, CMA has compiled a database of ALAANA, women, and gender non-conforming composers who have expressed interest in creating new work for classical/contemporary chamber ensembles. (View the Composers Equity Project resource.)

The Classical Commissioning program is funded by Chamber Music America, with additional program support provided by the Aaron Copland Fund for Music, the Amphion Foundation, the Alice M. Ditson Fund of Columbia University, and the CMA Endowment Fund

For more info contact: Susan Dadian, Associate Director of Grant Programs,

Current Grant Department Office Hours: 

  • Tuesday: 1 PM- 3PM
  • Wednesday: 10AM – 12PM

Sign up for office hours on our calendar.

Eligibility: Ensembles

An ensemble is eligible if:

  • it is a professional group with a commitment to Western European or non-Western contemporary classical music (as demonstrated on a submitted work sample)
  • it consists of fixed personnel and instrumentation or is part of a flexible roster or a collective that performs in varying configurations of no more than 10 musicians
  • in the case of a duo, performs as equal partners, rather than as soloist and accompanist, and consistently publicizes itself as a duo
  • the leader/primary member of the ensemble is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (non-profit status is not required of ensembles)
Eligibility: Presenters

A presenter is eligible if it

  • is a 501(c)(3) organization or otherwise eligible for charitable contributions for federal income, estate and gift-tax purposes
  • presents classical, contemporary, other music genres, and/or multi-disciplinary performing arts programs
  • must apply with an Ensemble that meets the Ensemble eligibility criteria
Presenters and Ensembles must
  • be based in the U.S. or its territories
  • be CMA members, membership must be current through June 2024
  • have no overdue reports or financial obligations to CMA
  • agree to acknowledge CMA, grant funders in all programs and press materials related to the funded project
  • have completed any previous CMA commissioning project before re-applying; current Artistic Projects grantee ensembles or presenters cannot apply
  • for presenter applicants, show proof of 501(c)3 status
Eligibility: The Composer
  • Eligibility: The Composer
  • must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • may not have outstanding commitments to this commissioning program or to another active CMA commissioning project or grant
  • may be a member of the applicant’s ensemble
  • is an individual, not a group

Frequently Asked Questions

Who may apply to this program?

U.S.-based ensembles and U.S.-based not-for-profit presenters are eligible to apply. 

May composers submit an application?

No, only ensembles, or presenters working with ensembles, may apply. 

Does the composer need to have U.S. status?

Yes, the composer must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Individuals that have applications in process are not eligible. 

Is non-profit status required?

Non-profit status is required of presenter applicants but not of ensembles.  

Our ensemble is fiscally sponsored. Does CMA make payments to fiscal sponsors if we are awarded a grant?

No, CMA does not make payments to fiscal sponsors; rather, payments are made to the ensemble contact person that is administering the grant award.

Who receives payments if we are awarded a grant?

If an ensemble does not have non-profit status, the group must designate one person who will manage the grant and receive payments. If a presenter or an ensemble has non-profit status, the payments are made to the organization.   

Are grant funds taxable?

Yes, the designated contact person who manages the grant is responsible for filing appropriate tax forms. CMA issues a 1099 form for grantees’ tax reporting. 

Is CMA membership required?

An ensemble applicant must be a CMA member through June 2026. Likewise, presenter applicants must have an Organization-level membership, as well as the ensemble with which they are applying; membership must be current through June 2026 for both entities. CMA membership is not required of the composer. 

We are not very familiar with the work of women, gender non-conforming or ALAANA composers. Where can we learn more about them?

CMA has compiled a database of ALAANA, women, and gender non-conforming composers who have expressed interest in creating new work for classical/contemporary chamber ensembles. The Composers Equity Project database can be found on CMA’s website.

How can a composer be included in the Composers Equity Project database?

Composers are welcome to submit their information at this link. Updates are made throughout the year.

Does one need to apply with a composer listed in the Composer Equity Project database?

No, it is not required; the Composer Equity Project database is available as a resource for researching composers.

We are a composer collective that also performs. May we apply to co-compose a new work?

No, CMA will only consider applications designating one individual as the composer.

The composer has already composed the work and seeks funds to pay for the piece. Is this eligible?

No, CMA requires the composition of an entirely new piece.

We currently have a CMA Classical Commissioning Program grant. May we apply for the 2024 grant cycle?

You must complete your current project. However, if your composer has finished their commission and has submitted the score to CMA, they are eligible to be part of a 2024 grant application.

We currently have funding in another CMA program; may we apply to Classical Commissioning as well?

If your ensemble or if your commissioned composer has an open New Jazz Works grant, you may not apply to Classical Commissioning. However, current Ensemble Forward, Artistic Projects, Performance Plus or Presenter Consortium for Jazz grantees are welcome to apply, as long as they have a current Organization-level CMA membership and meet all the program criteria. 

What is the composer’s deadline for completing the commission?

The new piece must be complete, and the score submitted to CMA in digital copy by September 30, 2025. 

When and where must the concerts take place?

A minimum of three public performances of the work for a live concert audience must take place by June 2026. CMA requires booking confirmation of the premiere by February 1, 2026.

If granted, may we present our three performances for students and in a school?

No, the concerts must be open to the public.

For the composer’s audio files, may we upload selections from commercially released recordings?

Yes, selections from commercially released recordings are eligible.

May ensembles also include selections from commercially released recordings?

At least one of the ensemble’s audio files must be from a live concert recording. The other selection may be from a commercially released recording.

Are music scores accepted with the audio files?

Yes, one Score Sample (pdf only) for Composer Audio 1 and one Score Sample for Ensemble Audio 1 must be accompanied by a relevant section of the printed score or graphic notation. Score Samples must be uploaded to the online application. Please remove or delete any identifying information about the composer or work title in each upload.  

Do you accept videos as work samples?

No, videos are not accepted, as the adjudication process is done solely by listening to the audio samples. CMA accepts mp3 and m4a audio files only.

We are a large ensemble with variable instrumentation. What should we provide on our work sample?

The recording may include varying configurations of the collective or roster, but at least 50 percent of the musicians that will perform the proposed commission must appear on each audio file. The ensemble size of each sample may not exceed 10 musicians. 

Must the composer’s audio files be chamber music only?

CMA prefers works for small ensembles, so that the panel may hear how the composer writes for this form. However, if the composer has no recordings of small ensemble writing, other types of works are accepted.

Does CMA staff make the decisions about who receives funding?

No, an independent peer-review panel—musicians, composers and presenters with broad experience in new music—reviews the applications. Representative list of recent panelists.

May I revise my application once I clicked “submit” and have received a CMA confirmation email?

No, once you “submit” your application, your application is locked.  If you close the draft in Submittable, you can return to the application and your changes will be automatically saved. 

Will I receive notification confirming receipt of my application?

Yes, you will receive an email confirming receipt of your application.

What is the next step after submission?

CMA reviews the applications and contacts applicants with any questions or concerns regarding the application.

When will I know the status of my request?

Applicants will be notified by the end of June 2024.

Whom may I contact if I have any other questions?

Contact Susan Dadian, associate director of grant programs.